Professional Designations

Professional Designations

There are two AdmiNZ Professional Designations available for members, Associate and Fellow. 

Criteria for Awarding Professional Designations



Ten years’ work experience as a senior office professional. This could include accumulation of work experience e.g. part-time and voluntary but work-related – secretary of school board of trustees.


Five years’ work experience as a senior office professional and the attainment of paper(s)/unit standard(s), equivalent to at least 20 credits at Level 3 or above, relating to a nationally recognised and relevant qualification (i.e. business administration or management)

Five years’ membership of the Association as at 31 December of any given year

Active participation in AdmiNZ at Group meetings (over 50% attendance per year for the two years immediately preceding the application).

Additional examples of participation:

  • Served a term on a Group Management Team
  • Served a term at National level
  • Attendance at AGMs
  • Attendance at Association conferences or Professional Development Forums

Verification of participation must be provided by local Groups. (Rural members i.e. considerable distance from local Groups, will be considered on merit by panel).

Currently practising as a senior administrative professional (an up-to-date certified job description to be supplied).

 Download the Associate Form


Hold an adult education training/teaching certificate/diploma. This may include, but is not limited to the subject areas of business administration, first line management, management, communication skills, business information processing (i.e. word processing, shorthand) or generic computing.

Five years’ teaching experience and two years’ practical office experience


Two years’ teaching experience and ten years’ work experience as a senior administrative professional

Five years’ membership of the Association as at 31 December of any given year.

Active participation in the Association with supporting evidence from local Group regarding involvement (i.e. minimum of 50% Group meeting attendance required each year).

Currently teaching office administration or related studies (or providing training in office administration or related studies or providing a consultancy service for office administration or related subjects). An up-to-date certified job description to be supplied.

Download the Associate Form


Five years as an Associate member


Ten years’ membership of the Association as at 31 December of any given year

Currently practising at a senior level or currently teaching administration or related studies (or providing training in secretarial or related studies or providing consultant service on secretarial or related subjects).

An up-to-date certified job description to be supplied.

Active participation in the Association with supporting evidence from local Group (where appropriate) regarding involvement (i.e. minimum of 50% Group meeting attendance required each year).
Having attained AdmiNZ Certification.


  • Corporate members are not eligible to apply for professional designations.
  • The criteria do not include those people who are working part-time, self-employed or working for an agency.

Download the Fellow Form


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